Free Space Optics
High-capacity communications for the electronic warfare environment
High-capacity communications for the electronic warfare environment
As peer and near-peer adversaries have developed Electronic Warfare (EW) capabilities that can detect, disrupt, and degrade traditional communications networks, technologies like Free Space Optical Communications (FSOC) are rapidly emerging as reliable and resilient alternatives for connectivity in contested environments. By leveraging Viasat's commercial innovation in ASIC modem design and development and security experience in network encryption, our FSOC system delivers a significantly higher range and throughput than existing solutions in the tactical environment - making it a coveted and covert communications component for any operational scenario.
Enabled for multiple expeditionary communications environments including Ground-to-Ground, Ground-to-Air, Ship to-Ship, and Ship-to-Shore, FSOC evolves line-of-sight and beyond-line-of-sight communications with distributed cloud access across jam resistant, high-capacity network links. Viasat's Mercury FSOC solution is designed to be highly mobile and simple to use, making it easier for service members to deploy and for the system to stay aligned and linked to the distant end terminal.
Looking for an innovative solution? Talk to us about your needs.
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