Call or request a call back 1 (999) 555 1234

Specifications for Phone Lead

The Phone Lead allows a customer to contact Viasat by dialing the phone number shown, clicking on the phone number (for phone enabled devices), or adding their own phone number in the field to request a callback.

The Phone Lead card is fixed to the top-right on Desktop.

On Mobile, the Phone Lead appears fixed in the top header area.

Authoring Experience

Screenshots of the Phone Lead authoring experience follow. Authoring notes are found in red text on the screenshots and below images as captions. 

Drag the Phone Lead component from the pane on the left to the top area of the page.

Click the wrench icon to access Phone Lead settings.
The Settings input fields populate the card as shown. The form itself is created in Marketo and automatically creates the appropriate form look and functionality. Only specific Phone Lead Marketo Forms should be used.

Phone Lead: Paintbrush Styles

There are no Paintbrush styles associated with this component.

Live component examples

The Phone Lead is shown at the top of this page. Please do not edit live examples.
