Ornamental background

Breadcrumbs - Component Detail

Breadcrumbs should be used on the majority of site pages.  This helps users know where they are within the site structure and helps them navigate to other pages as needed.  

Specifications for Breadcrumb component

The Breadcrumbs should be placed at the top of the page content, just below the main navigation and above the hero or other introductory content.  The links in the Breadcrumb should refer as far back as the Home page and include the current page.

Standard look of the Breadcrumb shown here.

Authoring Experience: Breadcrumb

To follow the standard for Breadcrumbs described above, follow the settings shown below.

Drag Breadcrumb component onto page above all other components.

Adjust the starting point of the URL path. Generally links should begin with "Home".

Certain pages are hidden that you may want to include in the breadcrumb.

Generally you want to include the current page in the breadcrumb but this will exclude it.

This is not a feature currently used. Leave unchecked.

Use Standalone. This keeps the breadcrumb inside its own container without overlapping the component below.

The paintbrush styles likely will not apply because Standalone variant (above) is used.

Live component examples

A live Breadcrumb exists at the top of this page.  Do not edit.
